Minhee Ahn, Nađa Kračunović
Jasper Venter, Roman Höbler
Poster Design:
Hyun-jeong Cho
Video Sound:
Wonchul Ji

Design by Hyung-jeong Cho, Photo by Jasper Venter,
The title, Spying, Sex, and Stereotypes, although using this trinity of the spy film genre, is a movie that will never be screened in a cinema. Interested in the stereotypes, representation, and role of the female spy through history, as well as today, SSS is based on humor, fantasy, and imagination that activate the building of the State Security Service of East Germany.
At that time sex was – and still is – a global tool of the espionage trade. Sex espionage was used by the KGB and its Committee for State Security of the Soviet Union. Western intelligence services used female agents to lure their Soviet-bloc adversaries into compromising situations or betraying secrets. And the Stasi devoted very considerable resources to put the sex into sex espionage. The building of the Stasi in Leipzig is one of the examples where sex espionage was practiced as a spying technique. Fiction reveals the truth that reality obscures.
Camera: Jasper Venter, Video Sound: Wonchul Ji

Photo by Jasper Venter,

Video Installation, Photo by Jasper Roman Höbler